[Halo] novy rozpis - schedule

Dr.Ud dr.ud at centrum.cz
Thu Jul 14 21:32:09 CEST 2005

Vzhledem k tomu, ze nektere tymy nedaji dohromady plny počet hracu, snizili jsme pocet tymu hrajicich na atruCUPu ze 14 na 12. Tim padem: Chicas a D´Kombinat posili tymy Outsiterz a Rektalni vysetreni. Proto jsme byli nuceni zmenit rozpis zapasu. Cely rozpis bude k nahlednuti v patek vecer v Losine, první zapasy jsou:

Due to the fact that some teams don´t have enough players, we had to reduce the number or playing teams from 14 to 12. And we had to change the schedule too. It will be possible to see the whole schedule on Friday in Losina, PIlsen. the first matches are: 

9.00  	D´n´d – 3sb         	a  Outsitesz – TM1
9.55 	Boa – Uwaga:P7	a  Rektalka  - PD
10.50	3sb – Dynamo Fr.	a TM – ZZ

pic Dr.Ud a ATRUC

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