[Halo] Yellow submarine tournament

Iva Kadlecová ikadlecova at tespraha.cz
Fri Jan 6 16:23:24 CET 2006

Hi everybody flying,

we would like to inform you, that there will be a tournament in Pilsen on 25.-26.2.2006.
You are all warmly welcomed!


*	Mixed tournament
*	12 - 14 teams
*	Great beer race, nice Pilsner Urquel!
*	Party in a club!

There will be more information on http://www.yellowfeverultimate.org/winter/ soon :-)

Mail your registrations to tournament at zlutazimnice.cz <mailto:tournament at zlutazimnice.cz>
We will send you the list of the teams playing in Pilsen on the beginning of February.

Iva and Yellow Fever

Kratce pro domaci: 
Opet se kona turnaj v Plzni - 25.-26.2.2006 - mix, 12-14 tymu, pivni zavod, party, proste Plzen! 
Dalsi informace budou brzy na http://www.yellowfeverultimate.org/winter/
Prihlasky posilejte na tournament at zlutazimnice.cz <mailto:tournament at zlutazimnice.cz>
Na zacatku unora Vam dame vedet seznam tymu.
Reditelem turnaje zkusenostmi hyrici Libor Saifrt!:)

Mejte se a teste se, Iva a Zimnice


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