[Halo] Yellow Submarine 2009 :: Mixed Indoor in Pilsen, Czech Republic :: 7.-8.3.2009

Honza Novak kacerr at zlutazimnice.cz
Mon Nov 24 11:01:52 CET 2008

tady mame nejakou tu pozvanku na dalsi rocnik Ponorky v Plzni.

Doufam, ze nevadi, ze to je anglicky,
spousta tymu uz to vi z eurodiscu, tak ti co to jeste nevedeli, at se to 
dozvi skrz halo.

Dekuju za pozornost,

a ted ten skutecnej obsah:

Hey all,
we would like to invite you to next volume of Yellow Submarine *indoor 
mixed tournament in Pilsen*, Czech Republic.

This year we want the tournament to be even better and more competitive 
than it was last years.
As a proof that we really mean it we have booked two gyms. So *number of 
teams will be between 16 and 24*.

This is the call for all of you to part in playing great ultimate and in 
drinking famous beer (do you know where the word Pilsner came from?).

If you are interested in participation at Yellow Submarine 2009 send us 
a registration email to address: *tournament at zlutazimnice.cz*
First round registration deadline is *15th December 2008*. After that 
date we'll publish teams that got their spots.
If there is First round, there should be another round .... but there 
will be only few spots left ... so if you want, register your team asap 
and help us to make this tournament BIG.

For those who already have children we are going to have a place for 
kids with various toys and games and while you are playing someone will 
take care of them. In case you are interested in this give us note so we 
can organize it well.

There is also possibility to visit Pilsner brewery and have a nice lunch 
over there!

Further information will be available at http://www.yellowfeverultimate.org

I forgot to tell you some important information.

1. *Date: 7.-8.3.2009*

2. Location: as I already told you: Pilsen (on highway E50)

3. Rules: mixed, pool - continuous play/play offs – regular (3/2,2/3)

YS 2009 action committee: Maloch, Aja, Kacerr, Iva, Libor

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