[Halo] turnaj Spirit on ice, Sosnowiec - hledame zensky :)

Lucie Frisova lucie at iynf.org
Wed Feb 9 11:42:19 CET 2011

Prague Devils zvou 2-3 devcata, aby se k nam pripojila na turnaj do 
Polska. Je to blizko hranic, skvele zajisteny a pomerne levny zahranicni 
turnaj. Soft mix.
V tuto chvili 7 prdu a jedna prdka.
cenove: team fee 100 ecek, players fee 15 ecek, all inclusive, + cesta

Kdyztak piste me na lucie.frisova at cald.cz

Lucie, PD

Lucie Frisova | Yearbook Editor, Trainer
International Young Naturefriends
Senovazne nam. 24, 116 47 Praha 1, Czech Republic
lucie at iynf.org, Skype: luciefrisova

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