[Halo] Fun Factory For Frisbee 2012

michael Hron migelius.h at seznam.cz
Fri Dec 30 18:47:39 CET 2011

zdravím všechny České hráče a hráčky a trochu nezvykle Vám všem místo PF-ka posílám pozvánku na FunFactoryForFrisbee 2012. Turnaj se nám rozrostl o další dvě disciplíny frisbee a to double disc court a freestyle frisebee.
Počet týmů pro "pičky" je omezený tak neváhejte a registrujte se. Vše je uvedené v pozvánce níže.
Takže PF 2012 ( PF=play frisbee 

Miguel a Lucka

Hello all frisbee lovers,

we would like to invite you to Fun Factory for Frisbee, the frisbee event which will be in the Czech republic on 3. - 4. 6. 2012. There will be ultimate frisbee (COED format), dogfrisbee, discgolf, double disc court and freestyle frisbee at the same time on 7 football fields in Blšany, so you can watch or play anything you want to. Plus there is a funny beer race with free beers for the competitors 

The website of the event is http://funfactoryforfrisbee.webnode.cz/ and we are also one facebook http://www.facebook.com/events/233705920032369/?ref=ts.
Team fee is 120 EUR, players fee 7 EUR.

The registration for ultimate frisbee is already open and the deadline is 30. 4. 2012. To registrate your team, use this e-mail address (ffff-tournament at seznam.cz). Please state your name, name of your team and your country. Then we will send you more informations about the payments.

We are looking forward to see you at Fun Factory for Frisbee!

Miguel & Lucka
Velká Morava, Czech republic 

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